Tuesday, January 01, 2008

End of the Year

Last day of the year 2007.

Somehow, I am feeling so low that I don't feel like welcoming 2008. But my low-mood is absolutely temporary. I guess it's because I am packing my stuff and leaving in 3 days.

You have read many of posts, where I cry for the plane journey. Man!!! I am going to go for the longest journey :( :( I wish I don't get irritated and I enjoy the journey this time.

Somehow, this journey will be good I feel, coz I am heading to home. I have my parents who are waiting for me. And I am certainly,waiting for amazing fooooooooood ;) So yes, for this reason I am looking forward to the coming year ;-)

Our journey together in US was just this... Good luck. See you when I see you.

Take care and welcome the New year. Wish this new year brings the positive and higher spiritual learnings in your life.

Happy New Year 2008 :)



Girish said...

Good I get to comment on your last blog post for this year!! Hey airplane journeys are not that bad. You will enjoy .. trust me!!

Sathish said...

:) Happy New Year

Padawan said...

H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!