Friday, August 24, 2007

Taking Granted Part - I

Many times we take so many things for granted.
We take our lives for granted. We take time for granted.

We think that we have got enough time to plan and enjoy something which we can do in this present moment.

Did retrospection and I realized, how many moments I lost with this assumption that I still have time to do that. "May be next year.. May be next month.." What was it that was stopping me? My own mind block. Sometimes, there were really practical reasons as money constraints.

However, money wasn't ALWAYS the block.
Sometimes, it was the thought "What will others think If I do it this way or If at all, I do this?"
My very nice friend told me this sentence "People can think anything, you can't control their thinking. What you can control is your reaction to their thinking." I adopted this funda then onwards. But to be frank, before I understood this fact, I did lose many moments of my life thinking what will people think If I do this or say this or wear this.. etc..

I hear argument as "That's the society. People make the society so when you are part of society, you are influenced by their thinking. You are a social animal."
I tell you the solution - If you think that People won't accept what you are doing then go and ask this question to each individual whose thinking matters to you. Ask politely if your, taking this step, matters to them? I am little rude by saying this sentence but you can always take your gentle way to approach such people (People who matter to you). Ask them the reason for their reaction. Argue in a gentle manner to find out the logic in it. If it is logical, revisit your decision, but otherwise, this way, you will find that their support is in your favor.

For People who don't matter to you, do you care what they think about what you do?

So, STOP that thought which is blocking you from moving on. You always have a way out. Don't take it for granted. Life is really uncertain.

And there is lot of fun if something is uncertain. :-) Trust me, there is no meaning of an exam when you know your result already. There is no meaning in playing a game if you know your score already. So enjoy the uncertainty. There is excitement in each venture of unfold life parts.

[I made this post as the first part because I think I still have thoughts on the same topic to write and I don't want to make it an essay so better be it classified and short;-)]



Sathish said...

Well.. most of the time, the people who mean to us think... what will people think of it.... so...

Krupa said...

Sathish, You're right in a way.

We have to break that loop. They think what rest of the world think, we think what they think. It will never end unless we try hard to break it. Explain to them.

If they are stubborn then you need make the decision to continue trying to explain them or move on considering your own logical reasoning behind your step. I mean it ends up in the 'choice' issue ;-)

Nova said...

very well written madam! :)

I remember distinctly our conversation on this the other day :)

Krupa said...

Thanks Nova.. :)

Sathish said...

Yep.. choice.. :)

avani said...

now id like to put a face to this krupa.the given names appears malyalee as im familiar with the kurup name but it could be k Rupa meaning the first name is rupa or rupali or rupam.A female character doing some study/wrk in California.A gujarati unmarried girl who is not an extrovert at all.You have been brought up on principles of love, truth, caring for others etc. Achhe sanskar hain.You are of Gujarati origin but know hindi well. Maybe you lived in the north.
You like to live life on your terms.You have many friends but none really close.
welcome back to India and wish you all the best.