Thursday, July 05, 2007


Few things are proven in this world and many are not. For the later kind, we derive our own comprehension and we see such millions of different perceptions. Here goes one such perception from my mind :-)

What a human seeks for? Answers! Answers to the questions which are on his mind all the times. A question against the existence of each and every thing. A question for his own existence!

This quest has continued years after years, one life after the other. ( This is also a question on one's mind that what happens after death? Is there a rebirth or is that the end? What Next?!!).. What happens when the man doesn't find the answer for some question? He has no choice but accepting someone else's perception. And that he is not ready to do. Because of the QUEST that drives him.

I believe there are answers for each and everything, may be there is a need to ask the 'Right' question to 'Right' people or look for them at 'Right' source. OR may be there is a need to open the heart and start building the faith in THE existence. Basically, two choices - Believe Or Keep searching. May be a middle way is a good option- believe partially and search more based on that belief ;-)

At the end of the day, in your quest, you MUST build some faith in the right direction. You should never reach a stage where you feel 'I am going nowhere.' Keep seeking for answers because after all, it's the question that drives you.

[I guess my today's post sounds like a dialogue from movie Matrix, but it's not :-) It may be influenced a little bit in the presentation but it is from my mind based on my experience]


5 comments: said...

THE QUEST, or the desires of any man (or woman!) will fall into one of these three categories:
1. To Know The Truth... at all times!
2. To Be Alive... forever!
3. To be in Bliss/Joy/Happiness... always!

First points to Sat,
Second to Chit,
Third to Ananda!

There you go... the quest for Sat-Chit-Ananda!

Once there is the realization that you already ARE THAT, the QUEST ceases! Until then, it's the continuation of the birth and death cycle!

Krupa said...


Sathish said...

The search was/is interesting... though never reached something called answers..

It helped understand better, breaking believes..

These doesn't exist
Time, Space..

Still open.. with out constraints..


Anonymous said...

Swami Vivekananda said "Answers are all within you" - U need to look for them not outside, but within u....

Sathish said...

So u believe him?