Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Powerful Quote I Say ~

I had heard many times, read it at many places that what you see is the reflection of you. But did not really understood it and hence never agreed to it.

Realized lately that whatever I find irritating in people around me, or whatever I feel angry at - is somehow part of me. For example, if someone asked me too many questions about some small thing, I was getting so irritated. But then the introspection made me see that "I" also do ask questions to many people about many things. They must be feeling irritated by me too.

I love if someone gives a nice smile at me and I found that Yes I do like to smile nicely at people so that I add happy feeling to someone's moment. Very Recently I received a compliment which said "I love the way you smile, life must be pretty good". Did you see the effect of a smile? It just emanated a positive vibration which did affect someone.

I love to see someone having positive approach about love and I am so sure that my heart is so passionate about the concept of love.

And many more things that I can go on describing......

I was already going through such thoughts and there I read something said by Gandhi -
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhiji took the approach of non-violence. Why? Because he wanted to see the world in peace, non-violence. Since that moment, the bell is continuously ringing in my mind with this sentence. I am reminding myself continuously to improve upon my negatives because I don't want to see them ever in the people around me. What More could I do? I can only try.

Changing the world is not my cup of tea. But this sentence does have power - (writing again)
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"



Anonymous said...

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

Changing oneself is the hardest thing in the world. We can go on and on about things that we find to be wrong in this world. But what effort do we really put to change ourselves?

Krupa said...

If you say changing your own self is hardest then what can I say?

This means anything else on which you do not have control - is not even a farthest possibility to change.

So basically, you are saying that you can't change anything, not even yourself?

I said in my post that - changing the world is not my cup of tea. I can only try. YES I mean it.
I can only try changing myself so that I can see the difference in people around me, may be those people can affect some more and so on... By Trying I mean, one baby step at a time. We can reach up to highs by walking one step at a time, we can't jump. Won't you agree with that?

For you, you can be the right judge as in you want to change yourself in any terms or not.

If you say you are perfect then I don't believe :-) (kidding...)

Krupa said...


Just to support my statement - one example ---

One of my friends doesn't like piracy. He always buys the software or CD. He doesn't watch movies online because he believes that is wrong. He doesn't download any game in his gaming console from somebody having a non-purchased copy.

His deeds did affect me up to an extent, at least I think about those ethics. May be I still need to change myself completely for that. But don't you think that one person doesn't want to see piracy in the world and hence following it himself?

(In US)There are not all the people who follow the traffic rules for pedestrians. I and few of my friends try to follow it, why? Because we want to see the rules to be followed. All these are minor examples to really put some effect on some people of this world.

Anonymous said...

Hey.. that's really a nice post.. Our Attitude is our Identity.. & we should make sure it's just right... and We can't be stubborn to ourselves.

Thank you for posting :)


Nova said...

I totally agree...

Sathish said...

Yes Maam.