Thursday, November 29, 2007

Departure and random rambling...

I am going home in couple of days. Yes, still a month left for that. And I have been looking for this time so desperately for a year now.

Now since that moment is next door, I am feeling heavy about the time, place and people that I am leaving behind me.

And trust me, I am a very strong person when it comes to emotions. But the DEPARTURE is that emotion for which I still have to train myself :-) It is not fair to say that I am not happy for what is going to come after that departure. I am waiting for that time too.

However certain it seems, I am just heavy when it comes to departure. I can't say 'BYE' with a smile in my heart even if I wear a smile on my face. :(

I guess that is my next lesson to learn. Learn to say 'Good-bye' with a smile in heart!! I think, I will definitely work on it.

Something random is coming to my mind right now... Bear with me :) (Telling something to my life)

ज़िंदगी, तुजसे प्यार करु में,
आ, तुजे अपने हर कदम से जोड़ दू में;

मेरे अंदर एक ज्योति सी चमकती,
तेरी हर आरज़ू से नाता जोड़ लू में;

साथी मेरी, तू ही इक हमेशा साथ है,
ईश्वर की झोली से बरसता एक विश्वास है;

आँखों से बरसते हर वो मोती की तरह,
आ, तुझे हर हाद्से का हिस्सा बना लू मैं !!




Sathish said...

mmmm... well, something to cherish for later... walk through ....

Anonymous said...

random rambling? title sounds familiar ;) !! Yeah departure hurts... thats why I hate airports....

Krupa said...

Thanks guys..

I feel you are my only loyal readers :)

Really really appreciate your comments. This keeps me moving..
