Friday, December 14, 2007

Just because he took the cake first ~

That's why even the war started!

Cake is a dessert, supposed to be taken in the end. It was all placed nicely on the table along with the rest of the meal. What was the idea? Once we finish lunch, we could have that cake as a dessert.

We were some 6-8 people on one table and one person got the cake along with the food itself, thinking that 'let me reserve my piece of cake'. He felt insecure if the cake is over by the time he finishes the lunch. So far no problem! Now, Seeing him, other person felt insecure too, went and got his piece of cake. Seeing two people on the table reserving the cake for themselves caused insecurity to others too. (However, none of rest of us all went to get the cake at that time.)

Here the point is ~ One person's fear or insecurity contagiously affected the others. This is the reason I see how the war started after all. Huh! One country had power and bought the weapons. That one country just made itself secure by keeping weapons. This caused insecurity to the other and so on...Contagious, you know!!

Just because he took the cake first, just because he felt insecure at first place, others started feeling insecure by seeing his actions for keeping himself secure.

I do not know the solution, I guess that's just the choice that others have to make in such situation.


1 comment:

Sathish said...

Wow!!! Philosopher Krupa, now from Love to War :) . Nice one :)