Monday, September 24, 2007

Say 'No'

I have been thinking about management as an independent topic for quite sometime now. (Why this post today? Read the post-logue at the end of the post :-))I believe that 'People management' is most difficult task. It is difficult for various reasons.
It deals with different individuals all the time. It has to deal with the people with different nature, different attitude, different emotion at different point of time. So It's totally dynamic.

If it's a resource management, where the resource doesn't have emotion then you know what kinda nature that resource has and you have study and researches to support it. There can be rules defined for how to manage it. However, it is not that static and predictable when it comes to people as resources.

I am not a manager but I have some things on my mind and I wanna put them here. One of the Important management attributes is to - Say 'No'. A good manager must know how to say No for something and still retain the same relation.

If the situation demands being rude then the manager must know to use the right set of words which are sophisticated enough to convey the right message of denial.

If the situation has quite sensitive topic under discussion then the manager must maintain the gentle behavior which should rightly be reflected in his words. And as said, the relation should still be maintained.

Being a resource, this is what I would expect my manager to understand. He can not allow me to do or demand 'any'thing. He must know how and when to say No. It is sure, that his refusal for my request, will disappoint me but If I can still feel the respect for that manager and have the faith in him then that means he succeeded in conveying the denial in a right manner.

[Opposite of 'Prologue' ;) - I saw one of my friends being called for charity work everywhere by many people. I felt bad. I did not like the fact that he could not say No to anyone and had to suffer. People should not buy comfort and convenience on the cost of someone who is good and gentle by nature and can not say (damn) No to someone. This incident triggered the post-topic today. Though I talked about it as a general management attribute, it is equally important in our general life. Ultimately, we deal with People with different emotions at different point of time.]

P.S: I know that there is no word like post-logue. I created one ;-) !



Sathish said...

Saying "No" .... mmmm....

:) Congrats for the Creation... We should put this in Wiki...

Krupa said...

:) Thanks for acknowledgement and appreciation for my word-creation.

But I don't want to put it on wiki. :P

:) KrupA

Sathish said...

Just for curiosity :), Why you don't want to put it?